Universal Engineering College

Research & Development Cell

UEC has established a Research and Development Cell (R & D) with a Chairman and members nominated from each department to provide valuable suggestions / inputs in carrying out the research work of the institution. The R & D cell of UEC aims to nurture research culture in the College by promoting research in newly emerging and challenging areas of Engineering, Technology, Science and Humanities. It facilitates and encourages research culture among the faculty and students. The prime role of R & D Cell is to facilitate, channelize, record, and regulate all the academic, sponsored and collaborative research projects in the college. 

Functions of R & D cell

Approved research supervisor of other universities:

  1. Dr. Jose K Jacob, Principal, Universal Engineering College, Research Supervisor, Central Christian University, Malawi (2020)

Faculties with Ph.D

Sl.NoNameDepartmentArea Of Specialization
1.Dr.K.K.NarayananApplied Science and HumanitiesMicrowave ElectronicsCochin University1992
2.Dr.Jose K.Jacob

Mechanical EngineeringReliability and EnergyAnna University2013

Computer Science and EngineeringMedical Image ProcessingBharathiar University2019
4.Dr.Joly M

Electrical and Electronics EngineeringElectrical Engg-power ElectronicsAnna University2019
5.Dr. Harinarayan NH

Civil EngineeringGeotechnical Earthquake Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati2020

Research Scholars Registered for Ph.D Programme of Other Universities

  1. Premsankar.R., Associate Professor, Department of ME (Registered for Ph.D under Hindustan University), Tamil Nadu, under guidance of Dr. T Jeyapoovan , Professor, Dept. of ME, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,Chennai,Tamilnadu

  2. Antonio Joseph, Associate Professor, Department of ME (Registered for Ph.D under Cochin University), Kerala, under guidance of Dr. Girishkumaran Thambi, Professor, Dept. of ME, School of Engineering CUSAT ,Cochin,Kerala

  3. Nitha C Velayudhan, Associate Professor, Department of CSE (Registered for Ph.D under Noorul Islam University), Tamil Nadu, under guidance of Dr.A Anitha , Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, Noorul Islam Centre For Higher Education,Kumaracovil,Tamilnadu

  4. Minnuja Shelly, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE (Registered for Ph.D under Avinashilingam University), Tamil Nadu, under guidance of Dr.Sivakumari , Professor and HOD, Dept. of CSE, Avinashilingam University,School of Engineering,Coimbathore,Tamilnadu.

  5. Nikhila Ashok, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE (Registered for Ph.D under Avinashilingam University), Tamil Nadu, under guidance of Dr.Sivakumari , Professor and HOD, Dept. of CSE, Avinashilingam University,School of Engineering,Coimbathore,Tamilnadu.

  6. Muneebah Moidheen, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE (Registered for Ph.D under Avinashilingam University), Tamil Nadu, under guidance of Dr.Sivakumari , Professor and HOD, Dept. of CSE, Avinashilingam University,School of Engineering,Coimbathore,Tamilnadu.

  7. Anima P, Assistant Professor, Department of CE (Registered for Ph.D under Amrita Vishwavidyapeetham University), Tamil Nadu, under guidance of Dr.Jayakesh , Assistant Professor, Dept. of CE, Amrita Vishwavidyapeetham,School of Engineering,Ettimadai,Coimbathore,Tamilnadu.

  8. Nithin V.K, Assistant Professor, Department of ME (Registered for Ph.D under Karunya University), Tamil Nadu, under guidance of Dr.A Brusly Solomon , Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, Karunya Institute of Science and Technology,Coimbathore,Tamilnadu.

Paper publications (SCIE Indexed only)

Faculties and research scholars published 9 SCIE indexed papers

Participation of Ph.D Students in technology-driven companies/institutions

SCIE indexed Publications

SL.NOPaper TitleName of Faculty MemberDepartmentJournal Name
1Sybil attack detection and secure data transmission in VANET using CMEHA-DNN and MD5-ECCNitha C VelayudhanCSESpringer:Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
2Sybil Attack with RSU Detection and Location Privacy in Urban VANETs: An Efficient EPORP TechniqueNitha C VelayudhanSpringer:Wireless Personal Communications
3Determination of NEHRP Site Class of Seismic Recording Stations in the Northwest Himalayas and Its Adjoining Area Using HVSR Method.Dr. Harinarayan NHCSEPure and Applied Geophysics, 175(1), 89-107.DOI10.1007/s00024-017-1696-6
4Estimation of source and site characteristics in the North-West Himalaya and its adjoining area using generalized inversion method.Dr. Harinarayan NHCEAnnals of Geophysics, 62, 5.DOI 10.4401/ag-7922
5Estimation of path attenuation and site characteristics in the north-west Himalaya and its adjoining area within India Territory using generalized inversion method.Dr. Harinarayan NHCEAnnals of Geophysics. 63,6. DOI 10.4401/ag-8225
6Ground motion prediction equation for north India, applicable for differentsite classes.Dr. Harinarayan NHCESoil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 139, 1-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2020.106
7Seismic Site Classification and Empirical Correlation between Standard Penetration Test N Value and Shear Wave Velocity for Guwahati Based on Thorough Subsoil Investigation Data.Dr. Harinarayan NHCEPure and Applied Geophysics.175, 2721–2738. DOI 10.1007/s00024-018-1858-1

Staff  In Charge:

Dr. Harinarayan NH

Professor,Civil Engineering