Computer Science Engineers Association
- Improve the technical knowledge of students and bring them closer to the practical world of computer science and technology.
- Open the doorway to new technologies and conventions.
- Provide the students a platform to express their creativity and to put on their ideas to a more application level.
Techfest - Wireless
An online Techfest was conducted from 8th to 17th of June 2021.This was a great opportunity for our students to showcase their enthusiasm and talents during the pandemic situation.17 technical and non technical events were included in this event.Total price money of Rs 10,000 was awarded to the winners of all events.E-Certificate was distributed to the participants of each event.
Talk to IT Industry Expert
A Technical Talk Series " Talk to IT Industry Expert " was organized on 22nd May Resource person: Mr. TITO JOSE MOOTHEDAN , IT Delivery Manager Infosys Topic - About the Industry Skills needed beyond Academics Expectation and demand on career path.
Talk to IT Industry Expert
A Technical Talk Series " Talk to IT Industry Expert " was organized on 29th of May 2021 Resource person: Mr. SUDHEER MOHAN, IT Professional Topic - Introduction to AI and Career opportunities in AI.
Talk to IT Industry Expert
SCIPE(Student Centric Initiative For Promoting Entrepreneurship)
SCIPE is an Online Technical Workshop initiated by the association of CSE Dept. of Universal Engineering College for promoting Entrepreneurship culture among students by imparting latest technical skills/knowledge. The programme was initially arranged by the students of S7 CSE on the topic DART Through Flutter along with an inauguration session on 10/08/2020, from 2:30PM to 3:00PM by using Google meet platform. Dr Vince Paul, Professor of CSE department of Adi Sankara Institute of Engineering and technology was the guest speaker.
Staff In Charge:
Assistant Professor,CSE