Celebration of International Labour day
01 May, 2021
10:00 am
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Dear All, Today we celebrate International Labour day. This day is observed to celebrate the labour community around the globe and commemorate their contributions. This pandemic has adversely affected all the labourers all over the world. To memorize their sacrifices, Civil Engineering Students Association (CESA) of Universal Engineering College has decided to conduct a Troll Competition & Drawing Competition. Topic : CORONA & LABOURERS Single entry per participant is allowed . Participants will be provided with participation certificate. ENTRIES TO : cesa.ce@uec.ac.in ENDS UP ON : 10 PM ON 1ST MAY Participants should provide their name & contact number along with the entries. ALL THE VERY BEST TO THE PARTICIPANTS & WISH YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY INTERNATIONAL LABOUR DAY. With regards, CESA Co-ordinators. uec-cesa.blogspot.com