Universal Engineering College

Inauguration of the Department Of Computer Science and Engineering Association ROG

22 May, 2021

11:00 am

Zoom and YouTube Live

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We are delighted to welcome you to the online webinar Talk To IT Industry Expert organized on behalf of the Inauguration of the Department Of Computer Science and Engineering Association ROG Inauguration of Technical Talk Series Talk To IT Industry Expert Resource person : Mr. TITO JOSE MOOTHEDAN (Delivery Manager, Infosys) Programme outline The following topics will be covered ▪️About the Industry ▪️Skills needed beyond Academics ▪️Expectation and demand on career path Date: 22nd May 2021, Saturday Time: 11:00 A.M Platform: Zoom and YouTube live Reg. Link : https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9mTSjDmlSame_TFy4y3Q6g