Webinar on Challenges in Environmental Pollutants & Control
08 July, 2021
11:00 pm
Zoom and YouTube Live

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Universal Engineering College Vallivattom cordially invites you all to the webinar organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering Topic : Challenges in Environmental Pollutants & Control Resource Person: Mr.CHANDRAJITH A.V. MSc ( Chem), MPhil, PGDM(Micro), MBA, Research Scholar CEO of Wimpey Laboratories, Wimpey Speciality Chemicals LLC, Biocare Environmental Service, AQS 08/07/2021 Thursday Time-11:00 am IST Webinar will be conducted through Zoom and YouTube Live No Registration Fee E-Certificate will be provided after completing the session Reg. Link : https://forms.gle/RwoHWPFWQcEDCbUeA Convenor: Mrs. Anima P. (Asso. Professor, CE Dept.) Mrs. Latha Thomas (Asst.Professor, EEE Dept.) Technical Team: Mrs. Minisha T. M.(Asst.Professor, CE Dept.) Mr. Febin Raju to(Asst.Professor, EEE Dept.) webinar@uec.ac.in 9072977788 9946883305