Faculty Profile

Enrolment ID | 2196 |
Name | Dr. Joly M |
Designation | Professor & HOD |
Date of Joining | 06/12/2022 |
Contact Email | joly@uec.ac.in |
Qualification | Ph.D, ME, MBA |
Experience In Years | 20 |
Area of Interests | Power Electronics and industrial drives,Fuzzy logics |
Area of Specialization | Power Electronics |
Education Summary
Degree | Specialization | Institute | University | Year of Pass |
Ph.D | Electrical Engg | Anna University | Anna University | 2019 |
M Tech | Power Electronics &Industrial Drives | Sathyabama Institute of Science &Technology | Sathyabama University | 2006 |
B Tech | ------- | Regional Engineering College, Calicut | ------- | ------- |
Employment History
Designation | Institute | Duration |
Associate Professor from 2014 onwards. | Saveetha Engineering College, Affiliated to Anna University Chennai, Tamilnadu | 7 years |
Assistant Professor(S.G) | Saveetha Engineering College, Affiliated to Anna University Chennai, Tamilnadu | 3 years form 2009 to 2014 |
Asst.Professor (O.G) in EEE Dept. | Saveetha Engineering College, Affiliated to Anna University Chennai, Tamilnadu | 3 years from 01/08/2006 |
Lecturer | Srinivasa College Engineering and Technology, Affiliated to Anna University Chennai, Tamilnadu | 2.5 years |
Lecturer | NSS UNION college,Manakkappady,N.Paravur,Ernakulam ,Kerala | 2 years |
Graduate Engineering Trainee | Kerala Electrical and Allied Engineering co.Ltd,Mamala.P.O,Cochin | 1 year |
Awards and achievements
- Received funding of 1.25 lakhs from MHRD for the conduction of one week workshop on “Electrical power system” in Saveetha Engineering College.
- Premier Award for Entrepreneurship from Wadhwani foundation, national entrepreneurship network
- Best Paper Award for the paper “Control and Integration of Automatic Flood Warning and Alert system using IOT ”,International conference on “SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS” (ISSS-2018)
- Teacher of the year award for 100% result in the subject “solid State Drives” during the year2017-2018
- Best teacher Award for 100% result in the subject “Total Quality Management”
- M. Joly & R. Ramaprabha”Design of battery less hybrid system Hybrid PV system for DC Distribution System In Building Applications With Improved Transient Response”, journal of Electrical Engg,Volume17,Issue 2017,Edition 3,Page:375-384,Article 17.3.42,politechnica Publishing House,Romania,Iss.No:1582-4594,Annexure-1
- M. Joly & R. Ramaprabha “Design and Implementation of Three Phase Parallel DC – DC Converter for Low Power and Distribution Applications” Modern Applied Science; Vol. 9, No. 4; 2015, ISSN 1913-1844 E-ISSN 1913-1852, Published by Canadian Centre of Science and Education, Annexure-II
- M.Joly , R.Ramaprabha, Fuzzy tuned PI controller with improved sliding mode controller for three phase AC/DC converter in DC-DC distribution system, Solid State Technology, Volume: 63 Issue: 2s ,Publication Year: 2020, Annexure-1
- Joly. M. Anupama Mishra. “Auto theft Prevention Using Smart gravitational lock, Touch screen ignition, GPS fencing and remote fuel cut off “International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.29 (2015)
- Joly.M. Intelligent control for tracking, Accident prevention and safety, Test vehicle Engineering &Management, ISSN: 0193_4120 page No. 3001-3006, volume 82, jan-feb2020.-Scopus Indexed
- M.Joly , P .Kanirajan and M.Venkatasubramani ” Control and Integration of Automatic Flood Warning and Alert System using Internet of Things” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nano science ” Vol.17, 1906 – 1910,2020-Scopus Indexed
- P.Kanirajan ,M. Joly ,(2019) Modelling of DSATCOM for improving Power Quality Using ANN Controller by Fuzzy C- Means Clustering .International journal of Power systems 4, 70- 76.
- P.Kanirajan, M.Joly, (2020), Fuzzy Expert System for Recognition of Power Quality Disturbances, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ELECTRONICS, E-ISSN: 2415-1513, Volume 11, 2020
National & International Conference:
- M. Joly, Dr. R.Ramaprabha, Dr. B. L. Mathur “Three-port Bidirectional Converter with PWM for renewable energy sources” International Conference on “SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS” (ISSS-2013)
- M.Joly” Control and Integration of Automatic Flood Warning and Alert system using IOT”, International conference on “SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS” (ISSS-2018)
Overseas Conference:
- M. Joly, Dr. R.Ramaprabha, ”Design and implementation of three port bidirectional converter for bidirectional applications at International conference on Advanced Technology in Engineering &Management(ICATEM’19) on 16th february2019 at MDIS University, Singapore.
- M. Joly,.P.R.Hinoj,”Intelligent Vehicle control for Accident prevention and safety” at International conference on Advanced Technology in Engineering &Management(ICATEM’19) at Taylors School of Engineering, Malaysia
Training Programs Attended
Name of the Program | Institution | Period |
Two days workshop on ‘Design of power converters using MATLAB and PSCAD’ | Vellammal Engineering college | 29.10.2015 to 30.10.2015 |
Two week ISTE STTP Workshop on environmental studies | IIT Bombay | 02nd to 12th June, 2015 |
Two week ISTE Workshop on Analog Electronics | IIT –Kharagpur | 04th to14th June 2013 |
Two week ISTE Workshop on Control Systems conducted | IIT – Kharagpur | 02nd to 12th December, 2014 |
Two days workshop on “Renewable Electrical Energy systems" | SSN college of Engineering, Chennai | 14/10/12 to15/10/12 |
one day hands on training on LATEX | Saveetha Engineering college | 04/02/2017 |
Attended tutorial on renewable Energy systems&Technology | Saveetha School of Engineering | 06th -08th April 2016 |
Participated in faculty development programme on Power Electronics for renewable Energy systems | Anna University in G.K.M college of Engineering and Technology | 28th November to 5th December 2016. |
Participated in MNRE sponsored national seminar on “Exploring Research areas in harnessing wind Energy” | VIT, Chennai | 28/04/2012 |
Attended two days ISTE e-seminar on “steps to research” | Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kerala | 19-20 September 2014 |
Attended one week workshop on “Electrical power system" | IIT kharghpur | 12 th June to 17thJune 2017 |
Successfully attended a course on Wind Energy | Wind Turbines to Grid Integration-Alison certified course. | ------- |
Attended E-webinar on research Challenges in Data Mining | Chennai Institute of Technology | 06.05.2020 |
Attended FDP on “Improving Competency and values towards Intellectual development | Saveetha Teaching and Learning Centre | 06/04/2020 to 10/05/2020 |
Successfully completed course in Artificial Intelligence A-Z | Udemy | 20/06/2020 |
Participated FDP on “Modeling, Technologies and control on Electric vehicle “ | Academy of Maritime Education &Training Centre (AMET), Chennai. | ------- |
Fellowship/Membership in professional bodies/Academics
Name | Year |
IEEE | 2022 |
ISTE | Life Time |
Programs Organized
Name of the Program | Institution | Period |
Facullty workshopon Electrical Power system funded by MHRD(1.5 lakhs) | Saveetha Engg College | 10 days |