Faculty Profile

Enrolment ID | 2270 |
Name | Dr Nitha K P |
Designation | Associate Professor |
Date of Joining | 28/08/2024 |
Contact Email | ------- |
Qualification | PhD,MTech MBA BTech |
Experience In Years | 17 years |
Area of Interests | Data Science,Data Analytics,Business Analytics |
Area of Specialization | Computer Science and Engineering |
Education Summary
Degree | Specialization | Institute | University | Year of Pass |
Ph.D | CSE | Avinashilingam Institute of Home Science and Higher Education for Women | Deemed University | 2022 |
MTech | CE IS | Federal Institute of Science and Technology | Mahatma Gandhi University | 2013 |
BTech | CSE | MES College of Engineering Kuttipuram | Calicut University | 2007 |
Employment History
Designation | Institute | Duration |
Assistant Professor | Vidya Academy of Science and Technology | 1 Assistant Professor Vidya Academy of Science and Technology 13 years (2007 -2020) |
Cambridge Program Head | The International School of Thrissur | 1 year (June 2020-Dec 2021) |
Assistant Professor on Contract | Sree Keralavarma College | 2 years (Oct 2022-March 2024) |
Awards and achievements
- BEST MENTOR AWARD -Vidya Academy of Science and Technology 2018
- SPECIAL MENTION: TEACHING AWARD-The International School of Thrissur 2021
- Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate Holder
- Scholarship winner for the DATA SCIENCE PROGRAMME in Hogskolan i Skovde, Sweden
- 3rd Author of the paperSurvey on Mitosis Detection for Aggressive Breast Cancer from Histological Images presented at the IEEE Conference at University of Cambridge in the year 2019
- Nitha K P, Dr. S Sivakumari “Review on The Various Approach for Investment Recommendations for Sensex Stocks in The Indian Stock Market” International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Technology (ICACSIT), on 4th July 2021
- Nitha K P, Dr. S Sivakumari, “An Integrated Approach for Investment recommendations for Sensex Stocks in Indian stock market using Machine Learning approach”, International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information Science (ICABMIS) on July 8th 2021.
- Hanan Hussain, Omar Al Hujran,Nitha K P.”Survey on Mitosis Detection for Aggressive Breast Cancer form Histological Images”, 5th International Conference on Information Management, at University of Cambridge, IEEE Xplore Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-3430-7, 24-27th March 2019
- Arathy Rajan, Nitha K P,”Disease Inference Systems-A Comparison of Different Methods”, 3rd International Conference Inventive Computation Technologies, IEEE Xplore ISBN: 978-1-5386-4985-5, , 15-16th Nov 2018
- Jumana Haseen,Nitha K P,”Privacy Preserving Data Mining in Health Care Big Data”, in the State Level Seminar on “Privacy and Security in the era of Big Data and IoT 0n 26th September 2017.
- Nitha K P,Dr. S Sivakumari, ”Is Big Data Analytics Suitable for Prediction of Stock Prices in Indian Stock Market”, in the State Level Seminar on “Privacy and Security in the era of Big Data and IoT 0n 26th September 2017.
- Saranya C M, Nitha K P, “Analysis of Authentications in Zero Knowledge Protocol- Security Related to Internet of Things”, International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology on 8th March 2015 ISBN-978-15087724-60, 2015.
- Sona Jayadev, Nitha K P,“An Improved RKO Algorithm for Colour Visual Cryptography and Authentication”, in the International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology on 8th March 2015 ISBN-978- 15087724-60,2010
- International Conference on SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud)-Reshaping the future” conducted at Avinashi lingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women (2018)
Chapter Published
Title of the paper/article | Publisher | Year | Page (From-To) | ISBN No |
‘Machine learning Algorithm in Indian Stock Market for Revising and Refining the Equity Valuation Models’ | Wiley-Scrivener | ------- | ------- | ------- |
Training Programs Attended
Name of the Program | Institution | Period |
Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate | Corse Era | 2Years (2021-2023) |
5 Days FDP on Mathematical Foundations for Data Science | PSG College Coimbatore | 5 days (2021) |
Webinar Series on “Data Analytics “ | Karunya Institute Coimbatore | 5weeks (2020) |
FDP on Cloud Computing | TCS | 2019 |
FDP on Big Data and Quantum Computing | TCS | 2018 |
Train the Trainer workshop in Cloud Computing | By Infosys at Vidya Academy of Science and Technology | 2017 |
Two-day Research Convention on the topic “Scientific Strategies for Quality Research” | Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for women | 2018 |
Two day Research Convention on the topic –“Sustenance of Quality and Innovation in Research “ | Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for women | 2017 |
Two-day National Seminar on “Emerging Issues and Challenges in Cyber Security” | Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for women | 2016 |
3-day FDP on “Functional Programming with Clojure” | Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur | 2017 |
2-day Workshop on “Web Development” | -do- | 2017 |
2-day Workshop on R | -do- | 2017 |
1-day workshop on “How to identify a research problem | -do- | 2016 |
3-day FDP on “Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning” | -do- | 2016 |
One week FDP on “Multivariate Data Analysis” | Government Engineering College, Thrissur | 2016 |
Three-day workshop on “Recent trends in Web Development” | Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur | 2016 |
Three-day Hands-on workshop on “Ethical Hacking” | Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur | 2016 |
1-day FDP on Internet of Things | TCS | 2016 |
1-day FDP on Cloud Foundry | TCS | 2016 |
1-day Faculty Development Programme on Team Work | TCS | 2015 |
1-day FDP on Diverse Learning Methods | TCS | 2015 |
1-day FDP e on Artificial Intelligence | TCS | 2015 |
2-day Workshop on Behaviour Management | VAST | 2015 |
3 Day FDP on “Open-Source Software for Engineers” | GEC, Thrissur | 2014 |
One week Train the Trainer workshop on Topic Life Skills ICT Academy | ICT Academy Kerala | 2014 |
1-day FDP on HTML 5 | TCS | 2014 |
1-day FDP on Big Data | TCS | 2012 |
One week FDP on J2EE Technologies conducted by Infosys | VAST | 2010 |
Train the Trainer workshop in Object Oriented Analysis and Design conducted by IBM, Chennai | VAST | 2010 |
Workshop on Carnatic Music features and signal Processing | VAST | 2010 |
One day National Workshop on High Performance Computing | FISAT | 2010 |
1-day FDP on ERP, ISM ,Six Sigma | TCS | 2009 |
Faculty as member of Editorial Board
Board | Institution | Designation | Period |
International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology (IJCAET) | Inder-Science Publishers | Reviewer | 2020 |
Specialized Training
Name | Year |
ICT Certified Specialist in Data Science and Analytics Program | 2017-18 |
Google Data analytics Professional Certificate | 023-24 |
Invited Speakers in Seminars/Conferences/Workshops
Name | Year |
Chaired a Session in the 2-day National Conference on emerging Trends in Data Science and Cloud Computing | 2023 |
Quiz Master for the Intercollegiate Quiz Competition Qzoid conducted by Department of Computer Science and Applications, St.Mary’s College Thrissur | 2017 |
Resource person in Training Programmes
Name | Year |
Add on Course on Business Analytics at Nehru College of Engineering | 2023 |
Add on Course on Business Analytics at Naipunnya Business School ,Koratty | 2023-2024 |
Resource Person of One day Workshop “Introduction to the R Programming” conducted for Polytechnic Students at Vidya Academy of Science and Technology | 2019 |
Resource person for the Induction Training Program for 1st year MBA Students at UC College, Aluva | 2015 |
Fellowship/Membership in professional bodies/Academics
Name | Year |
STE ,Life time Member | ------- |
International Science Research Development (ISRD) | 2015 |
Programs Organized
Name of the Program | Institution | Period |
Graduation Day Program | VAST | 2015 |
Projects Guided
Name | Year |
“Quality Analysis and Estimation of Freshness and Pesticide Residue in Non-Organic Fruits and Vegetables Using IoT' | 2018 |
Mitosis Detection from Histopathological Images Using Handcrafted Features and Neural Network | 2017 |
Smart Library: IoT Approach | 2016 |
iHealth: An IoT Health System | 2016 |
Handwritten Signature Authentication using Data Hiding and Hierarchical Cryptography | 2015 |
Zero Knowledge Protocol Based Security for IoT | 2015 |
An offline Character Recognition System to convert Grantha Script to Malayalam | 2015 |
Creating Visual Effects of Human Eye-Tone Reproduction in digital Images | 2015 |