Library Rules

- Make appropriate entries in the entry & exit register as and when you enter and leave the library.
- Produce your ldentity Card to the librarian/library staff as and when you enter the library. No student will be admitted without producing ldentity Card issued from College.
- Guidance of the library staff may be sought to trace a book or utilize computer search.
- Books are issued from the circulation section for a period of 20 days to B.Tech students against the Library card issued. They can renew the books two times without bringing them to the library before the due date, if the book is not reserved by other users.The reserved book will not be renewed. Fine @Rs. L/= per day will be collected from defaulters. The penal cost of irrecoverably lost book is 3 to 6 times more than the actual cost of the book, subject to the date of publication.
- lf a book of your choice is seen issued from the circulation section, the same can be reserved.
- B.Tech students can borrow up to 3 books from the library in any working day. But before returning the Book, they should keep the book for three days in their custody.
- No books or periodicals will be issued from the reference section.
- Do not replace the book in the rack/almirah after your use. Keep it on the table.
- Strict silence is to be maintained inside the library.
- Mobile phones are not allowed inside the library.