Mathematics Club
Universal Engineering College Mathematics club was formed in 2021, to promote interest in Mathematics as it is essential in an Engineer’s Career. Mathematics club provides good set of opportunities for UEC students to showcase their talents being a Maths champion. Our mathematics club is an extracurricular maths get together which always sets an environment where our students have fun with maths and learn more as a team.
To provide with a dedicated mathematics oriented extracurricular club where students can learn more about maths beyond the classrooms.
To promote mathematics education and to organize several programs and workshops to bridge the gaps in mathematics
Establishment and inauguration details
Mathematics Club in Universal Engineering College was inaugurated on
31st March 2021. The programme started at 11.30 am with the welcome speech by Mrs. Dhanya C G (AP, ASH, UEC). The presidential address was delivered by respected Dr. K K Narayanan (HoD, ASH, UEC). The programme was inaugurated by honorable Principal Dr. Jose K Jacob (Universal Engineering College). Followed by the felicitations of various department HoD’s Dr. Sreeraj R (HoD, CSE, UEC), Mrs. Bindumol V G (HoD, CE, UEC), Mrs Rekha M (HoD, ECE, UEC).
Followed by the presentation on the topic “Recent Trends in Mathematical Modeling”, by Mr. SAYOOJ ABY JOSE (Research Fellow, Ramanujan Centre for Higher Mathematics, Ph. D Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu). The programme concluded at 12.45pm by the vote of thanks by Mr. Askar P A (Student Coordinator- S3 ECE).
The Mathematics Club is an on-campus group of students interested in mathematics that provides an environment for members to explore different topics or applications of math, seek guidance, and share knowledge and love for math. Members more experienced in math are encouraged to assist those who might need help navigating the Mathematics major/minor requirements or homework when able. There will be opportunities to learn about the research experiences available in the field of mathematics as well as the process of finding them, applying, and the experiences of attending one.
Details of few previous events.
Sl No | Events | Date | Mode |
1 | Club Inauguration | 31st March 2021 | Online |
2 | Mathematical Software Workshop | 1st June -4th June | Online |
3 | National Webinar on Recent trends In Applied Mathematics | 5th June – 11th June | Online |
4 | National Mathematics Day Celebration “ GANITOTSAV 2021” | 22nd December | Offline |
Photo Graphs in Mathematics Club Events

Mathematical Software Workshop (1st June -4th June)

National Mathematics Day Celebration “ GANITOTSAV 2021”.

National Webinar on Recent trends In Applied Mathematics (5th June – 11th June)

1st Prize in “ GANITOTSAV 2021” Quiz Competition Organized By MATHEMATICS Club In Connection With National Mathematics Day Celebration
Staff In Charge:

Rahul Ravi
Assistant Professor In Mathematics Department Of AS&H