A Fabrication Laboratory (FabLab) is a technical prototyping platform where people can design and build their own technology. They began as an outreach program from MIT‘s Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA). Fab labs aim to provide stimulus for local entrepreneurship and serve as a platform for learning and innovation.
As a part of activities of IEDC UEC around 23 students visited India’s first super Fab Lab at integrated startup complex of Kerala startup mission at kochi on 1st march 2023. The visit was lead by Mr. Antonio Joseph, IEDC Nodal officer. The Fab lab Visit provides an opportunity to explore the various fabrication possibilities of a fab lab.It has given a brief introduction to fab lab and its facilities.Also provided the facility to watch the working of the lab and the machines.
The one day visit to the one of the two fab labs in kerala was a great experience to the students. It made them realize the importance of opportunities given by the IEDC cell.