Universal Engineering College

Installation Ceremony

Department of Mechanical Engineering have conducted ISHRAE Student Chapter installation ceremony on 25 th November, 2022 for the academic year of 2022 – 23 by the chief guest Mr. Tony Thomas Senior Manager – Advanced Building Solutions President elect. of ISHRAE Kochi Chapter. Student Chapter treasurer Mr. Ajay Manikandan has delivered the welcome address.
The honourable Principal of the institution Dr. Jose K Jacob has given the Presidential address and honouring the chief guest with Memento. The chief guest Mr. Tony Thomas has inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp following by his inaugural address. The Prestigious part of our installation ceremony, Mr. Tony Thomas, President elect. Of ISHRAEKochiChapterhas introduced Mr.Arjunkrishna R.G. as President, Mr. Navaneeth K.S. as Secretary, Mr. Ajay Manikandan as Treasurer, Mr. Adhithyan V.S. as President Elect., Mr. Akshay Rajesh P.R., Mr. VishakhDas C.S., Mr. Mohamed Maheenas CWC Members of ISHRAE Student chapter 2022-2023. The oath taking function was held after inauguration ceremony, where the President Elect.ofISHRAE KochiChapter made the students to take an oath.
The members of universal engineering college Student Chapter had taken the oath like they will be enthusiastic and active in any condition. They also pledge to be honest and loyal to the work given to them in any situation. They also promised to follow the rules and regulation honestly. Members are ready to take active participation in all events organized by the Society.

After the oath acceptance Dr.Premsankar, HOD of mechanical engineering has delivered the keynote address followed by the felicitation speech by Mr. Akhil Ramesh, Faculty in charge of ISHRAE student chapter. On behalf of Department of Mechanical Engineering Mr. Arjunkrishna, President of student chapter has given the vote of thanks to all. After the inauguration session there was an orientation class by Mr. Syed Nazif, Student activity chair of ISHRAEKochi Chapter. He has delivered the talk on “various job opportunities in HVAC industry”.After finishing his lecture, students asked many questions during the interactive session. Dr.Premsankar, HOD of Mechanical Engineering has delivered memento to Mr. Syed Nazif as token of gratitude from
Universal Engineering College. The function was a grand success and ended fruitful for the students