Universal Engineering College

Workshop on Chiller Plants

ISHRAE (The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers) is
the professional society that focuses on advancing the field of HVAC&R (Heating,
Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration) in India. ISHRAE provides a platform
for professionals to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and learn about new
technologies and developments in the industry.

Chillers are critical components of HVAC systems, and studying them is essential for an
HVAC engineer to design efficient cooling systems, select the right equipment, maintain
and troubleshoot them.
ISHRAE student chapter of Universal Engineering College has conducted a workshop on
Chillers and Types on 21/02/2023 at UEC. The resource person was Mr. Syed Nazif,
(Student Activity Chair of ISHRAE Kochi Chapter). Dr. Prem Sankar, HoD of Mechanical
Engineer and Mr. Akhil Ramesh, Staff Coordinator of ISHRAE UEC were delivered the
The speaker started by the concepts behind centralized and non-centralized AC
machines. And then he proceeded the session on Chiller plants and its types. The
students got brief idea about the design, installation, operation, or maintenance of
Chiller systems and Air Handling Units.