Universal Engineering College

Innovative Teaching Learning Methods

Incorporating teaching and learning approaches involves combining lecture methods with modern techniques.

These methods contribute to the growth of students by expanding their capacity to learn. There are many different ways to innovate in teaching and learning, and the best approach will vary depending on the subject matter, the students, and the resources available. The main goal of these innovations is to enhance the effectiveness, engagement, accessibility, and adaptability of education to cater to the needs of learners.


Pedagogical training

Pedagogical training assists faculty members to improve classroom management skills and develop communicative teaching practices.

Department Library

The department has a good library with a collection of over 300 books.

Real Time Demonstration

Models are displayed through which students can see the models of famous monuments, Suspension bridges , Multi-storied buildings etc.

Online courses

Online courses are being conducted through google meet and Google forms are provided to take placement training and its assessment.

Certified Courses

Faculty members and students are encouraged to enroll in online courses offered by reputable platforms and institutions such as NPTEL , NIELIT and Coursera



Formative AssessmentQuizRegular use of assessment tools that have little bearing on a student's course mark is known as Formative Assesment. They improve the learning process while adding interest by moving up the routine of traditional classroom instruction. Online and offline quizzes are given for both theory and lab courses.
Faculty Name :Ms.Hridya R P
Course Code/Name:ECT 413 Optical Fiber Communication


Faculty Name: Gayathri K K
Course Code/Name: ECT 468 Renewable Energy Sources
Assignment Based LearningSimulation Based AssignmentFaculties encourage students to do assignments based on software tools like LTspice, MATLAB online etc. Apart from simulation experiments done in lab, assignments based on software tools will help the students to enhance their learning experience.

Faculty Name: Rekha M
Course Code/Name: ECT 204 Signals & Systems

Faculty Name: Reshma P S
Course Code/Name: ECT203 : Logic Circuit Design

Faculty Name: Hridya R P
Course Code/Name: ECT301 : Analog Integrated Circuits
YouTube VideosFaculty members in those courses developed the video lectures, which covered the same material as in-person lectures on certain subjects. Students can take the lecture with them and can do so anywhere via video lectures. In order to better understand the material, students can pause the lecture and play back specific parts. The parts of the topics they already know can be skipped. It is especially helpful for slow learners since they can modify the faculty member’s content delivery speed and topic selection to meet their learning rate.
A few samples of the URLs are given below.

Faculty Name :Ms.Chelsy Joy
Course Code/Name: EC405 Optical Communication https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXHLDFx0pYoGAGRCxCu4e8P6-cJwUnfmT&si=P58eLzyEgSWzDkdJ(https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXHLDFx0pYoGAGRCxCu4e8P6-cJwUnfmT&si=P58eLzyEgSWzDkdJ)

Faculty Name :Ms.Gayathri K K
Course Code/Name: EC303 Applied Electromagnetic Theory

Faculty Name :Ms. Chelsy Joy
Course Code/Name: EC402 Wireless Communication

Faculty Name :Ms. Gayathri K K
Course Code/Name: EET205 Analog Electronics
Online lecture Delivery SystemAn automated audio-video recording solution for lectures in the classroom is the Online lecture Delivery System.. It gives users access to virtual training and video lectures from classroom. Students can access the recorded video lectures and other materials from anywhere through laptops, tablets and Android platforms by using URL
A few samples of the URLs are given below.

Collaborative LearningGroup Discussions-


Role play


Poster making

Making models and charts

Peer-Paced learning
During class, a group leader is selected for each group discussion activity. The group leader is made responsible for all the outcomes of the activity of that particular day. Every time, the group leader is changed to pass the responsibility to each student by the end of the semester. Students acquire responsibility and leadership from this.
Debate as a teaching pedagogy fosters critical thinking, research skills, and effective communication.
The two teams will discuss with each other . Before the opening of the debate both teams will have 5 minutes to get ready for the debate. The team can start debate after 5 minutes. The debate ends after 20 minutes.

Faculty Name : Ms. Rekha M
Course Code/Name: MCN 301 Disaster Management

Role-play develops friendship through cooperation, listening, and taking turns. It also enhances social development. Students are required to deepen their understanding of the subject matter through this assignment.

Students are told to perform the task by acting out the part, communicating with their peers, and attempting to complete the task in their particular role.

Faculty name: Dr. Arun Pradeep
Course Code/Name: ECT 424 Satellite Communication

Students use the collaborative learning approach known as Think-Pair-Share (TPS) to work together to solve a problem or respond to a question regarding a given reading.
All students are urged to engage with the course material through this. In this exercise, the teacher poses an open-ended query. Ask students to consider and write a response for one or two minutes. After that, instruct the students to discuss their responses in pairs.
After a short while, get everyone back together and ask them to discuss their comments from the pair.

Faculty Name :Ms.Reshma P S
Course Code/Name: ECT 305 Analog and Digital Communication

Students are asked to create innovative posters on a common subject. The use of abstract issues encourages students to think creatively and in novel ways. Making posters encourages imaginative thinking, thorough research, and reading.

Faculty Name: Gayathri K K
Course Code/Name: MCN 201 - Sustainable Engineering

Faculty Name: Gayathri K K
Course Code/Name: CET 415 Environment Impact Assessment

The student makes the models of the component that the student will able to understand about it very clearly. Making models encourages imaginative thinking.
Faculty Name: Hridya R P
Course Code/Name: ECT 413 Optical Fiber Communication

Faculty Name: Gayathri K K
Course Code/Name: ECT 303 Digital Signal Processing
Students also made some charts models related to certain topics of some courses so that they got the clear picture of the topicand they presented the chart before other students during the hour of the particular course

The total students were divided in to four groups.
Each group has a leader (fast learner) and the leader will teach other students. They will also get appreciation when all the members in the group pass in the series exams.

Faculty Name: Gayathri K K
Course Code/Name: ECT 302 Electromagnetics

ICT enabled Teaching learning Student SeminarsInstructors develop slides with text, photos, and multimedia. When utilized wisely and interactively, PowerPoint may improve engagement, organization, and the visual representation of information, making difficult subjects more understandable to pupils.

Faculty Name :Ms.Chelsy Joy
Course Code/Name: EC 405 Optical Communication

Faculty Name :Ms.Rekha M
Course Code/Name: EC 308 Embedded systems

Seminar helps students to enhance oral expression and presentation skills. This significantly boosts students’ confidence and their learning experience. Academic programs require seminars as a crucial component to facilitate the development of fundamental skills and subject understanding.
Virtual TeachingGoogle meet, Google ClassroomThe virtual learning environment is a good choice for students who enjoy learning on their own, without restrictions on space and time. Many faculty members take online class using Google meet, Google Classroom.
Teaching Using Physical ModelsFaculty teach the topics with physical models so that students can get a 3D image of components and easily understands the working

Faculty Name :Ms.Chelsy Joy
Course Code/Name: ECT 401 Antenna and Microwave

Faculty Name: Hridya R P
Course Code/Name: ECT 413 Optical Fiber Communication