E content

Semester 2
Sl.No | Course Code | Course/subject | Video Link Of Youtube/drive/folder (If Any) | Link Of Drive/folder For Notes(If Any) | Uploaded By(Staff Name) |
1 | EST 102 | Programming In C | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1fwIx2uB7DXFNK-lgy_nMdKJDLrjBETF | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Qe2oYDo4hX8h4YJjEhEwN-X_iovSVyx9?usp=sharing | Nighila Ashok |
Semester 3
Sl.No | Course Code | Course/subject | Video Link Of Youtube/drive/folder (If Any) | Link Of Drive/folder For Notes(If Any) | Uploaded By(Staff Name) |
1 | CST 205 | OOP using Java | https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoqKmxQP84WdvD_sJFWC1UxnyJuGF3-it | Chinju Poulose | |
2 | CST 201 | Datastructure | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1fwIx2uB7DUVD-jwquYemG590MDfhJok | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UG_o4QDS1sOfMTJfPt336qT-9o8R2kmm?usp=sharing | Nighila Ashok |
3 | CS 204 | Principles of Database System | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSFxAr_-OgA&list=PLg8bXKk-AAv1h5HteghfhEl54iawemBZ- | Minnuja Shelly |
Semester 4
Sl.No | Course Code | Course/subject | Video Link Of Youtube/drive/folder (If Any) | Link Of Drive/folder For Notes(If Any) | Uploaded By(Staff Name) |
1 | CST 202 | CST Computer Organization and Architecture | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KelxCR0B3WOB6agVerOUy520oKYqstIP | Sreejith P S | |
2 | CST 206 | Operating Systems | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mYbahsDVyfM3eM2hjjL6pYDhKUy7j1Mz | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mYbahsDVyfM3eM2hjjL6pYDhKUy7j1Mz | Deepak K N |
Semester 5
Sl.No | Course Code | Course/subject | Video Link Of Youtube/drive/folder (If Any) | Link Of Drive/folder For Notes(If Any) | Uploaded By(Staff Name) |
1 | MCN 301 | Disaster Management | https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLETAgyjm9EufborpVHNedQFLhWTeixCcY | Nitha C Velayudhan | |
2 | CS 305 | Microprocessors And Microcontrollers (2015) | https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoqKmxQP84WdvD_sJFWC1UxnyJuGF3-it | Chinju Poulose |
Semester 6
Sl.No | Course Code | Course/subject | Video Link Of Youtube/drive/folder (If Any) | Link Of Drive/folder For Notes(If Any) | Uploaded By(Staff Name) |
1 | CS302 | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLETAgyjm9EudEABhjipe9gxTscDq0j8Eg | Nitha C Velayudhan | |
2 | CS 364 | Mobile Computing | https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoqKmxQP84WcjnQqDPL4vrStkG2EJuoZ5 | Chinju Poulose | |
3 | CS 308 | Software Engineering and Project Management | https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLChbCvjl5I4uQhHy27V2oqV06cPk4aJkq | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NvDitxdvpOG55N4MxKBrkS54mlINNqIK?usp=sharing | Muneebah Mohyiddeen |
Semester 7
Sl.No | Course Code | Course/subject | Video Link Of Youtube/drive/folder (If Any) | Link Of Drive/folder For Notes(If Any) | Uploaded By(Staff Name) |
1 | CS 405 | Computer system architecture | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1fwIx2uB7DVaox3rdBBHOQ6ZzWW3DzSR | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1utZ6fNYmYjl_qg0cGwoyj9rJJBe9wZax?usp=sharing | Nighila Ashok |
2 | Cs 401 | Computer Graphics | https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLETAgyjm9EuelAwKnlA029XKYGXDHC6UT | Nitha C Velayudhan | |
3 | CS 467 | Machine Learning | https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLETAgyjm9EueC1S2m0ujBoEEwvdV4AnMC | Nitha C Velayudhan | |
4 | CSS403 | Programming Paradigms | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Cpgxjma0vKf_m6jS9zH_TwGF6c6eQ3vk | Sreejith P S | |
5 | CS409 | Cryptography and Network Security | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GvMjGrr1_ws_QxSDVOf_VHFN2JBcu44H | Deepak K N |
Semester 8
Sl.No | Course Code | Course/subject | Video Link Of Youtube/drive/folder (If Any) | Link Of Drive/folder For Notes(If Any) | Uploaded By(Staff Name) |
1 | CE488 | Disaster Management | https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLETAgyjm9EufborpVHNedQFLhWTeixCcY | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1utZ6fNYmYjl_qg0cGwoyj9rJJBe9wZax?usp=sharing | Nitha C Velayudhan |
2 | CS402 | Data Mining and Ware Housing | https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLETAgyjm9Euf1Voj-iXhkkkPjXLX1yXli | Nitha C Velayudhan | |
3 | CS 472 | Principles Of Information Security | |||
4 | CS 404 | Embedded Systems | https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLChbCvjl5I4tlNH2K8Genl8ZOaWek0Z3Q | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QKdPA0nB_2c7ZOQmGohX6PfAWeBuJxOt?usp=sharing | Muneebah Mohyiddeen |