Labs and Resources

Material Testing Laboratory
Objective of this lab is to provide hands-on experience to evaluate the strength and stiffness properties of engineering materials under various loading conditions and also to interpret the quality of various construction materials as per IS Codal provisions. Various properties of different materials are tested in the laboratory using Universal Testing Machine, Torsion Testing Machine, Spring Testing Machine, Impact Testing Machine, Hardness Testing machine etc.
Geotechnical Laboratory
Objective of the course is to familiarize students with the laboratory tests used to determine
physical, index and engineering properties of geomaterials. The experiments in this lab provide hands-on experience to Identify and classify soil based on standard geotechnical experimental methods, Interpret engineering behavior of soils, Evaluate the strength and settlement characteristics of soils.
Survey Laboratory
Objective of this lab is to impart practical experience to students by exposing them to various techniques of field surveying and make them familiar with conventional and advanced surveying instruments.
Transportation Laboratory
The objective of this lab is to enable students to assess the quality of various pavement materials and their suitability in highway construction. The course is designed to make students familiar with mix design and do functional evaluation of pavements.
Environmental Laboratory
The objective of this lab is to equip the students in doing analysis of water and wastewater.
It consists of instruments for the determination of pH, turbidity, conductivity, and impurities in water and BOD, DO and COD of waste water
CAD Laboratory
The objective of this lab course aims to train the students to use different software tools needed for professional practice in civil engineering. Train the students to use the various softwares for analysis, design, project management, drawing and drafting .Softwares like AutoCAD, MS Project, Primavera, STAAD Pro. etc are available in the lab.
Structural Engineering Laboratory
Objective of this lab is to familiarize with the different sophisticated instrumentations used in the laboratory and field for measuring/monitoring stress, strain, deflection etc. in structures.
Consists of modern instruments including Automatic compression testing machine, Self straining loading frame, NDT etc
Civil Engineering Workshop
The objective of this lab is to equip the students with the fundamentals of Civil Engineering. It includes determination of area of a plot, buildup area, levelling, and brick masonry.
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
The objective of this lab is to examine the properties of fluid and to conduct experiments involving both incompressible and compressible flow. It consists of instruments for determination of flow measurements, major and minor losses in the flow and proving Bernoulli’s Theorem.
Project Laboratory
The department has advanced instruments to assist the students in projects like automatic compression testing machine, NDT equipment like Rebound Hammer, 3D printer, Vane Shear Apparatus, LVDT, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tester.